Implementing Campaign Manager - System Management

Starting And Stopping Campaign Manager

Use the sysadminapp.exe to carry out orderly shutdowns and restarts of Campaign Manager after installing or upgrading.

The sysadminapp.exe allows an orderly shutdown and restart of Campaign Manager sites and services. As a standard console application, it can be called from iLoader or the command line.

The sysadminapp.exe is located in this folder on the Engine server: ProgramFiles\Alterian\Alchemy\PauseResume.

The shutdown process

sysadminapp /sqlserver=br-dev-sql /stop

sysadminapp /sqlserver=br-dev-sql /start

The /sqlserver= parameter should be supplied as the SQL Server name for this Campaign Manager instance.

The second parameter can be /stop or /start.

The sequence for shutdown is:

  • Windows services (CM Listener, SQL Jobs, Engine Listener, Document Scheduler, Alert loggers, and notifiers.
  • IIS websites and webservices
  • Alchemy IIS application pool

The shutdown incorporates a safety check, to prevent shutdown if active campaigns are present. This could happen because some processing can continue after campaigns are paused, for example, due to high volumes of data. In this case shutdown must wait for the processing to complete. You can safely retry the shutdown at any time.

Shutdown activity is logged in a sysadmin.log.txt file, located in the same folder as the application.

When sysadminapp cannot shutdown the services, it returns the 'OperationFailed' error code '5'. The application return codes are:

  • OK = 0
  • NothingTodo = 1
  • NoSQLServer = 2
  • NoAlmainDatabase = 3
  • NoAlterianAuthDatabase = 4
  • OperationFailed = 5
  • SQLConnectionFailure = 6

If you are using sysadminapp in scripts, it is safest to abort if you receive any of the above codes that are not zero.

IMPORTANT: Do not use Windows Task Manager to stop any Campaign Manager or Engine processes.
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